Do you have red raised scars from your surgery? We can help!
If you have red, raised scars from your surgery that sometimes can be
itchy and painful, you most likely have a hypertrophic scar.
Hypertrophic scars are a type of scar that can happen from injury to
the dermis via surgery, trauma, or burns. During the healing process,
there will be an excess of fibroblast and collagen production,
creating a thickening effect on the area of trauma. Hypertrophic scars
are known to be raised, red or pink in color, and hard to touch. In
our practice, we see these hypertrophic scars commonly post-surgery
like breast augmentation, tummy tuck, brachioplasty, face lift, neck
lift, and many more!
Here at Halo Beverly Hills, we have an amazing scar modulating laser
that can decrease the redness color and texture of the scar. This
treatment will require multiple sessions for the best results, ranging
from 3-7 treatments every 6 weeks. It is important to note that the
results will take a few weeks after the day of treatment for the full
The scar removal treatment is a quick and easy procedure done in
under 15 minutes and requires little to no downtime. The post care
instructions with this treatment include: avoiding sun exposure,
avoiding exercise for 24 hours, and keeping the area moist with
If you are interested in this procedure, we highly suggest coming into
the office for a consultation with our amazing providers.